Nowadays I find it hard to speak seriously

Por Guillón Rosas:

They said let’s talk about art… But how can we speak about art as an economic value, as the fashion and influence that brings and finally as a promotion of the superficial aesthetic.

In the sexual matter, there is a case forgotten behind the seduction of somebody, in both ways, male and female, that has become superficial.

What about love… Well, it is such a great mystery as death. How to speak about it if these days the compromise has been damaged by wrong interpretation of the detachment, making us have indifference and less valuation to the human emotions…? Liquid love.

Have you fallen drunk with a unique non-replaceable bottle of wine? It is about enjoying the bottle and not thinking that it is going to last forever, even less dying because of it.

Difficult is to speak about any subject when the values of being original have been damaged by tendency, fashion and superficiality, giving as a result a new generation of people programed to accept what’s designed as social aesthetics above any personal preference. 

How many times have you approached a person and called him or her strange or not normal?  Maybe the person is just not common and is not yet programed as the usual people now are. 

I recommend the following song with the video that makes critics to the system, it’s called “Dope show” by Marilyn Manson and shows the manipulation in order to control the people.

«To take some drugs say
to make us feel so hollow
we love in vain
narcissistic and so shallow
The cops and queers
swim you have to swallow
hate today
no love for tomorrow
We’re all stars now in the dope show»

Read more: Marilyn Manson – Dope Show

I’m just a staked old-fashioned young man speaking seriously.

Si te gustó, ¡Espero nos puedas compartir!

Guillón Rosas

I’m just a staked old-fashioned young man speaking seriously.